The Beast of Lost Virtue

The Beast of Lost Virtue

The Beast of Lost Virtue

First sketch

First sketch

The Beast of Lost Virtue

Torment knows no bounds for Aganisia. A beast, of virtually no memory of the pain endured in the Sanctum, is now nothing but a tool. Aganasia was once frowned upon by the people of plains for her unstable mind and was often found to wander through the inner city chasing her ghosts. Now she is no longer frowned upon, but threatened by an indomitable and unfortunate manifestation. One that would earn her a name. A name that would arouse curiosity. A similar kind of curiosity children find amusing. Amusing enough to chase lepers with sticks and stones. Amusing enough to be lead away from home.

This is 2 of the 5 villains from the Ancient Civilization character design challenge.