Masala Express - UI Redesign

Wireframe/flow for the core game

Wireframe/flow for the core game

Wireframe/flow for the new Home Screen

Wireframe/flow for the new Home Screen

Wireframe/flow for the in-game store

Wireframe/flow for the in-game store

Wireframe/flow for Upgrade Screen

Wireframe/flow for Upgrade Screen

Wireframe/flow for the new Social System

Wireframe/flow for the new Social System

Wireframe/flow for a new announcement and reward system

Wireframe/flow for a new announcement and reward system

Masala Express - UI Redesign

I was assigned with the responsibility of redesigning the UI of the game 'Masala Express'.

I handled all the new art assets that were to be implemented considering the technical limitations of the existing project and to push the project update with a short timeline.